Grow Your Own Herbal Garden For Your Pet!

Adding herbs to your dog’s diet can have a significant impact on the health and well being of your fur baby.
Herbal remedies are a valuable tool in both preventing and treating issues that are prominent in many of our pets today. Our canine friends have inherited instincts from their ancestors that used to forage through herbs and plants to assist in healing wounds, digestive upsets, illness or pain and even source the vitamins and minerals that were needed in their diet. Have you ever seen your pet go to your own culinary herb garden and eat some of the herbs there? Have a think about what herb they may have chosen and relate that to a possible condition they may have or a lack of vitamins or minerals they may be deficient in. Animals will instinctively self-medicate.
You can administer herbs in various ways orally or topically to our pets. They can be fresh, dried, in tincture form, herbal teas, powders, capsules, oils, ointments and balms.
Tinctures are the strongest and fastest way of orally administering herbal remedies and should always be prescribed by an animal herbalist or naturopath so they are used in the right and correct way.
Herbs have so many significant benefits for our pets and can treat so many different conditions such as:
Allergies and skin conditionsArthritisDiseaseLow immune systemsEye problemsWounds and abscessesMuscular & skeletal injuriesCuts and bruisesInfectionsCarsicknessStress and anxietyRespiratory conditions Urinary infections UlcersEar infections Intestinal issues
Lets Get Started!
Growing your own herbs for your pets is a great idea for general well being and you can add these to your pet’s meal for added benefits. It is so easy to do and if you can’t plant your pet herb garden outside, then inside on a window sill or sunny spot will be just as good.
When Planning a Pet Herb Garden Follow These Points:
- Choose the right herbs that are safe for your pet
- Pick the perfect location that gets sun and shelter
- Use good soil and pots
- Do not spray with harmful pesticides
- Water regularly
- Harvest continually
- Always check with an animal herbalist or naturopath if your dog has any major health issues before giving herbs
Safe Herbs For You To Plant:
Visit our Herbal Pharmacy at K9 Swim’s Wellness Centre – Opening Soon
K9 Swim’s Wellness Centre is opening a Herbal Pharmacy and will have a great range of herbal remedies for all conditions for dogs and horses from dried herbs to ointments, sprays, tinctures and oils.
Herbal mixes can also be tailored made to meet your pet’s needs – an appointment will be necessary to discuss.
Keep watching for our Herbal Remedies for Pets Workshop coming soon to K9 Swim – learn how to make herbal applications for your pets and take what you make home!
Give us a call on 1300 787 064 for more information.